Long Absence

Dear Readers,

I want to apologize for my long absence, I lost my creative steam after I finished my 90 days of meditation and 90 poem series. I was at a loss to what to write about.

I am not sure how many of my followers actually read my blog, but I wanted to commit to my readers whoever you may be that I will write a regular post on Sundays, and a shorter poem, work of visual art, poem, or photography on Wednesdays.

I would greatly appreciate comments and feedback, so I can get to know you. I originally started this blog to address spiritual seekers who were lost and feeling lonely in our current time and culture. I will actually write on this theme, after I complete this post.

I would be happy to correspond or write on these that you might suggest. I thrive in creative dialogue, but regardless…I will continue to write on larger themes that move my heart on Sundays. On Wednesdays, I will try to post something visual or poetic that corresponds with either the previous theme, or a new topic or theme I am mulling over.

In the Light,


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